‣ West Norwood Mosque encourages its visitors to walk to the centre or travel by bike or other sustainable forms of transport. For those visiting by car, they are encouraged to car share where possible.
‣ We do not endorse any particular car sharing site, but visitors should search the internet to see if any car sharing clubs can help facilitate communication and organising of car sharing journeys.
‣ For Bus Maps in West Norwood town centre click here and to search for buses across London click here
‣ For Rail Maps click here and for West Norwood train station details click here
‣ We encourage all our visitors to arrive and depart in an orderly fashion, not to congregate outside the Mosque and be courteous to our neighbours.
‣ If you have any feedback or advise for the centre regarding travel please contact the Travel Plan Coordinator (Umar Quraishi) on: admin@WestNorwoodMosque.com